COVID Testing Result Errors and Delays Raise Questions of Under Staffing at Maryland Pharmacy

COVID-19 tests are now available for free at many Maryland pharmacies throughout the state. Maryland pharmacies conducting COVID-19 testing include CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens, and Walmart, as well as some local independent pharmacies. However, the use of testing at these pharmacies raises questions about adequate staffing, particularly after such issues were raised prior to the pandemic.

According to a recent news source, Walgreens Pharmacy reported a coding error that resulted in incorrect COVID-19 testing data. The error meant that around 59,000 COVID-19 test results would be added to the state’s statistics that were not previously reported. It was not clear how many of those tests were positive and what brought about the error. According to the Department of State Health Services, there were previous issues with reporting that have caused additional issues with the state’s statistics. The state said that additional data was being reported from July when a private testing lab did not correctly report about 250,000 positive tests. The state was trying to separate the data and send the information to the appropriate county. The state reported a delay in reporting due to the errors.

The report of the pharmacy error comes just a month after CVS was fined for medication errors and under staffing. The Oklahoma State Board of Pharmacy fined the company last month after a report earlier this year that the company understaffed its pharmacies, putting patients at risk. The state pharmacy board subsequently launched an investigation and imposed $125,000 in fines. The COVID-19 testing being carried out by the pharmacies may be further burdening pharmacies and overworked pharmacists, potentially leading to medication errors and putting patients at greater risk.

Recovering Compensation for a Medication Error

Medication errors threaten the safety of patients worldwide. If an individual suffers an injury due to a medication error, they may be able to recover financial compensation. In a Maryland medication error case, the injured individual has to prove that another person or entity acted negligently in causing the medication error, which resulted in the individual’s injuries. In a medication error case, the plaintiff has the burden to prove the case by a “preponderance of the evidence.” This means proving that it is more likely than not that the plaintiff’s injury was caused by the defendant’s negligent act. A successful plaintiff may be entitled to compensation for their medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, physical therapy expenses, and other damages.

Have You Suffered an Injury From a Medication Error?

If you have been injured as the result of a pharmacist’s mistake, or a medication error exacerbated existing injuries, you may be entitled to compensation. The Maryland medication error attorneys at Lebowitz & Mzhen, LLC, represent plaintiffs in medication error cases and other medical malpractice cases in the Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. area. Our attorneys work with medical experts, seeking maximum compensation. We have over twenty years of experience litigating medication error claims and know what it takes to build a successful case. Contact Lebowitz & Mzhen online or call 1-800-654-1949 to set up a free consultation.

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