
Articles Posted in Pharmacy Legislation


E-prescribing Usage Increases with Doctors, but Not Without Problems

As our Washington D.C. Pharmacy Error Injury Attorneys reported in a recent blog, physicians who are not prescribing medications electronically, or e-prescribing, by 2012 will be financially penalized by the federal government. Although the use of electronic prescribing has increased in years, and evidence shows that e-prescribing can reduce pharmacy…


Electronic Prescriptions and the Path to Preventing Medication Errors

In yesterday’s blog, our pharmacy error attorneys in Baltimore, Maryland, discussed the rapidly growing numbers of doctors switching from hand-written prescriptions to electronic prescriptions—to create a more efficient system that helps to prevent medication errors in every step of the prescribing and pharmacy process. The Wall Street Journal documented an…


Hollywood Prescription Drug Abuse —Illegal Drug Rackets and “Doctor Shopping”

In a blog from last week, our Washington-D.C. area Pharmacy Error Attorneys at Lebowitz and Mzhen covered the topic of illegal prescription drugs, after a Maryland pharmacist was sentenced to federal prison for selling illegal painkillers to a drug dealer—drugs that were meant to be used under the supervision of…


New Legislation for the Safe Disposal of Nursing Home Resident Drugs

In a recent news story that our Maryland Medication Error Attorneys have been following, state legislators across the country have proposed bills that are aiming for the disposal of unused or expired medicine at nursing homes, for resident health and safety and the protection of the environment According to ABC…


Medication Error Injury Prevention—Study Recommends Knowing Your Pharmacist

A recent American Pharmacists Association (APhA) survey, that our Maryland Pharmacy Error Injury Attorneys have been following, revealed that 1.5 million people are injured by medication-related errors every year. The APhA commissioned the consumer survey, led by Harris Interactive, to investigate how consumers interact with their pharmacists, and how building…


Maryland Law Encourages Maryland Doctors to Computerize Patient Records

In prior posts concerning Maryland medication mistakes, the attorneys at Lebowitz & Mzhen Personal Injury Lawyers have discussed how computerized health records help doctors and pharmacists eliminate medication errors. Today, Governor Martin O’Malley, signed a bill that is designed to increase the speed with which Maryland doctors implement electronic patient…


New York Pharmacies to Provide Foreign Language Prescription Instructions

Maryland pharmacy error attorneys serve a number of clients who do not speak English as their first language. Some of these clients have raised the issue of not being able to receive prescriptions or dosage instructions written or spoken in their native languages from big box pharmacies. The attorneys at…


Maryland Passes Law to Regulate Pharmacy Technicians

In the past, when you filled a prescription at a Maryland pharmacy, you may have wondered about the training received by the technicians behind the counter. In some cases, technicians have attended nationally accredited pharmacy technician training programs. Other time, however, the pharmacy technician training is limited to training received…


Maryland Pharmacists Must Offer to Educate Patients on Medication Errors

We recently posted that pharmacists owe a duty of care to patients filling their prescriptions in Maryland pharmacies. Pharmacists owe a duty to accurately fill these prescriptions. Maryland law, however, increases the duty of care owed to Medicare pharmacy patients in the state by requiring pharmacists to offer to discuss…


Maryland and D.C. Pharmacies Among Those Requesting Federal Aid

In the past year Americans have watched the federal government bail out failing banks, and the lagging automobile industry. As the economic downturn progresses, the flow of government funds into the flagging commercial sector is likely to continue. The pharmacists’ lobby has added its name to a growing list of…

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