Recent Pharmacy Error Causes Patient “Horrendous” Symptoms

Prescription drugs are controlled by the government for good reason. For many drugs, it is because the active substance contained in the drug that can help cure a patient’s ailment may have a dangerous interaction when taken with a common medication. Other medications are controlled due to their sensitive dosage instructions, potential for abuse and addiction, or nasty side effects.

It doesn’t come as a surprise, then, that patients can suffer serious injuries or even death following a Maryland pharmacy error. In such cases, the patient may be able to obtain compensation for their injuries through a Maryland pharmacy error lawsuit. These lawsuits are often complex, and more often than not they rely on expert witness testimony to establish liability. The most common topic on which experts are needed is establishing that the plaintiff’s injury was related to their ingestion of the mis-filled medication.

According to a recent news report, one man became seriously ill after being provided the wrong medication by the local pharmacy where he had refilled his prescriptions for the past 14 years. Evidently, the man’s physician had written him a prescription to help with his insomnia, but the man was given another drug that is used to treat high blood pressure. The two medications have similar names.

Once the man took the medication, he had a sinking suspicion that something was wrong and plugged the name of the medication he was provided into a search engine. He then discovered that he was given the wrong medication. He called poison control and was told that he was in the early stages of toxicity.

Over the next few days, the man reported feeling as though someone was standing on his chest, and he had an “unbearable” headache. He suffered persistent shortness of breath and was unable to sleep. It took a week for the symptoms to subside. When asked by reporters what he thought the cause of the error was, he replied that he believed the pharmacy staff were overworked. He explained that he had been in the pharmacy on numerous prior occasions, and the staff seemed very stressed and were having a difficult time keeping up with the heavy demand.

Have You Been a Victim of a Pharmacy Error?

If you or a loved one has recently been provided the wrong prescription and suffered harm as a result, you may be entitled to monetary compensation through a Maryland pharmacy error lawsuit. The dedicated Maryland personal injury attorneys at the law firm of Lebowitz & Mzhen Personal Injury Lawyers have extensive experience representing victims of pharmacy errors in bringing cases against the pharmacists and pharmacies responsible. To learn more, and to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case, call 410-654-3600. Calling is free, and we will not bill you for our services unless we are able to help you recover the compensation you deserve.

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