
Medication Errors, Although Under Reported, Are Still a Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.

Medical professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and pharmacists, are human, and as a result, it is expected that they will, on occasion, make mistakes. This does not mean that they are bad people or have a malicious intent behind their actions; the vast majority of medical errors are results of a system that places too heavy a burden on medical professionals.

Putting aside the lack of intent to cause harm, the reality is that Maryland pharmacy errors do cause a significant number of patients to suffer serious injuries each year. According to a recent study by Johns Hopkins University, there are over 250,000 pharmacy errors each year. However, according to a recent news report discussing the new study, the actual rate of pharmacy errors may be much higher than originally thought.

The reason for the potential disparity, the article claims, is the manner in which physicians, funeral directors, coroners, and medical examiners fill out death certificates. Evidently, it is common practice to use broad categories when referring to someone’s cause of death. This, in effect, groups preventable medical errors that were results of human or computer errors in with other non-preventable causes of death. As a result, the reported instances of preventable pharmacy errors are difficult to determine.

The article discusses a pharmacy error that claimed the life of a young girl who was battling cancer. Evidently, a large abdominal tumor was found inside the 18-month-old girl. After several surgeries and procedures, she was finally declared cancer-free. Doctors, however, encouraged the girl’s parents to complete the course of scheduled chemotherapy, and the parents agreed.

Sadly, there was a mix-up in the pharmacy when filling the girl’s IV bag, and medication that was 20 times the necessary dose was administered to the girl. Within hours, the young girl was on life support and declared brain-dead. Three days later, she died.

As it turns out, pharmacy technicians, rather than a pharmacist, may have created the compound medication that was administered to the young girl. Since the death of his daughter, the girl’s father has taken up the cause of increasing awareness of pharmacy errors across the United States.

Have You Been a Victim of a Pharmacy Error?

If you or a loved one has recently been a victim of a Maryland pharmacy error, you may be entitled to monetary compensation. The dedicated team of Maryland personal injury attorneys at the law firm of Lebowitz & Mzhen Personal Injury Lawyers is experienced in bringing pharmacy error claims, and they know what it takes to succeed on their clients’ behalf. Through our skillful and diligent representation, combined with the assistance of our broad network of expert witnesses, we will work tirelessly on your case to pursue the compensation you deserve. To learn more, and to speak with an attorney about your case, call 410-654-3600 to schedule your free consultation today.

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Recent Pharmacy Error Causes Patient “Horrendous” Symptoms, Pharmacy Error Injury Lawyer Blog, February 1, 2018.

Pre-Trial Settlements in Pharmacy Error Cases, Pharmacy Error Injury Lawyer Blog, February 15, 2018.

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